What PC? 2000 May
What PC May 2000
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211 lines
TESV-...Editing Commands ?expand
M.......Special mode for single character entry. Say "Return" to restore your normal commands.
CDHV.....Note the command lines beginning
CDHV..... with an 'X '( -- the 'X' denotes a command
CDHV..... line):
CDHV..... 2nd char: 'E' -- means the command is explicitly
CDHV..... defined/enabled with engine
CDHV..... 'D' -- means the command is already in
CDHV..... the engine 'text.spell' vocab., so it should
CDHV..... not be explicitly defined/enabled; note
CDHV..... that these command words should match exactly
CDHV..... what the engine will return
CDHV..... 3rd char: 'S' -- means initially show the command in
CDHV..... the WCIS window
CDHV..... 'H' -- means initially do not show the command in the
CDHV..... WCIS window
CDHV.....The command lines beginning
CDHV..... with a 'T' or '1' ( -- the 'T'or '1' denotes a category or 'phrase
CDHV..... list' line):
CDHV..... All commands following a category line are grouped under
CDHV..... that category (or 'phrase list') in the WCIS window.
CDHV..... Empty categories (those with no commands) are names of
CDHV..... tooltips, there is always an 'M' line following it
CDHV..... which contains the tooltip. For example:
CDHV..... command line: XESV....CAPITAL <a to z>
CDHV..... will show a tooltip for '<a to z>' if there is
CDHV..... a category line: '1ESV+...a to z ?expand'
CDHV..... followed by the tooltip line: 'M....here is the tooltip'
XESV....Change that ?change
M.......Undo the last command
M.......Delete the last letter
XESV....Scratch that ?change
M.......Delete the last letter
XESV....Backspace backspace
XESV....Enter enter
XDSV....Space space
XESV....Move left left
M.......Moves cursor to the left
XESV....Move right right
M.......Moves cursor to the left
XESV....Caps on ?caps-on
XESV....Caps off ?caps-off
CDHV.....The below two lines are currently unused commands/actions in US
CDHV.....English system - maybe other countries will find a use for them.
CDHV.....Any command with the "?postcap" action will overwrite the previous
CDHV.....character with its uppercased version. Any command with the
CDHV....."?double" action will cause 2 of the next character to be displayed.
CDHV.....Previous ?postcap
CDHV.....Double ?double
1ESV+...Letters ?expand
M.......These are the letter values you can say in Spell mode.
1ESV+...Letters ?expand
M.......These are the letter values you can say
XDSV....<a to z> a
XDHV....CAPITAL ?capital
XDSV....CAPITAL <a to z> ?capital+A
M.......Say 'Capital a', 'Capital b', 'Capital c', ...etc.
XDHV....DOUBLE ?double
XDSV....DOUBLE <a to z> ?double+A
M.......Say 'Double a', 'Double b', 'Double c', ...etc.
1ESV+...a to z ?expand
M.......Any letter in the alphabet: 'a', 'b', 'c', ...etc.
1ESV+...Phonetic Alphabet ?expand
M.......Use the phonetic alphabet for very accurate letter recognition
XDSV....Alpha a
XDSV....Bravo b
XDSV....Charlie c
XDSV....Delta d
XDSV....Echo e
XDSV....Foxtrot f
XDSV....Golf g
XDSV....Hotel h
XDSV....India i
XDSV....Juliet j
XDSV....Kilo k
XDSV....Lima l
XDSV....Mike m
XDSV....November n
XDSV....Oscar o
XDSV....Papa p
XDSV....Quebec q
XDSV....Romeo r
XDSV....Sierra s
XDSV....Tango t
XDSV....Uniform u
XDSV....Victor v
XDSV....Whiskey w
XDSV....Xray x
XDSV....Yankee y
XDSV....Zulu z
XEHV....As in ?asin
XEHV....As in Alpha ?asin+a
XEHV....As in Bravo ?asin+b
XEHV....As in Charlie ?asin+c
XEHV....As in Delta ?asin+d
XEHV....As in Echo ?asin+e
XEHV....As in Foxtrot ?asin+f
XEHV....As in Golf ?asin+g
XEHV....As in Hotel ?asin+h
XEHV....As in India ?asin+i
XEHV....As in Juliet ?asin+j
XEHV....As in Kilo ?asin+k
XEHV....As in Lima ?asin+l
XEHV....As in Mike ?asin+m
XEHV....As in November ?asin+n
XEHV....As in Oscar ?asin+o
XEHV....As in Papa ?asin+p
XEHV....As in Quebec ?asin+q
XEHV....As in Romeo ?asin+r
XEHV....As in Sierra ?asin+s
XEHV....As in Tango ?asin+t
XEHV....As in Uniform ?asin+u
XEHV....As in Victor ?asin+v
XEHV....As in Whiskey ?asin+w
XEHV....As in Xray ?asin+x
XEHV....As in Yankee ?asin+y
XEHV....As in Zulu ?asin+z
XDSV....As in <Alpha to Zulu> ?asin+a
M.......Say 'As in Alpha' for example, to correct a misrecognized letter
1ESV+...Alpha to Zulu ?expand
M.......Any word in the Phonetic Alphabet
1ESV+...Numbers ?expand
M.......These are the single digit values you can say in Spell mode.
XDSV....<0 to 9> 0
1ESV+...0 to 9 ?expand
M.......Say any digit '0' through '9'
1ESV+...Punctuation ?expand
M.......Use these commands to insert punctuation in your value
XDSV....& (Ampersand) ampersand
XDSV....* (Asterisk) times
XDSV....@ (At sign) splat
XDSV....` (Back single quote) `
XDSV....\ (Back slash) \
XDSV....^ (Caret) ^
XDSV....} (Close brace) }
XDSV....} (Close curly bracket) }
XDSV....) (Close-bracket) )
XDSV....] (Close square bracket) ]
XDSV....: (Colon) :
XDSV...., (Comma) ,
XDSV....- (Dash, Hyphen, Minus) minus
XDSV..../ (Divided by) /
XDSV....$ (Dollar sign) $
XDSV..... (Dot) .
XDSV...." (Double quote) "
XDSV....= (Equals) =
XDSV....Ç (Euro-sign) Ç
XDSV....! (Exclamation-mark) exclamation
XDSV....> (Greater than) greater_than
XDSV....< (Less than) less_than
XDSV....ú (Pound-sign) ú
XDSV....# (Number-sign) pound
XDSV....{ (Open brace) {
XDSV....{ (Open curly bracket) {
XDSV....( (Open-bracket) (
XDSV....[ (Open square bracket) [
XDSV....% (Percent sign) %
XDSV..... (Full-stop) .
XDSV....+ (Plus) plus
XDSV..... (Point) .
XDSV....? (Question-mark) question_mark
XDSV....; (Semicolon) ;
XDSV....' (Single quote) '
XDSV..../ (Slash) /
XDSV....* (Star) times
XDSV....~ (Tilde) ~
XDSV....x (Times) x
XDSV...._ (Underscore) _
XDSV....| (Vertical bar) |
CDHV.....The following punctuation words are included here with special actions
CDHV..... (even though the word is in the text.spell vocabulary),
CDHV..... because the word is a 'control' character used in processing
CDHV..... the word to be typed; so, we associate a special action with
CDHV..... these words so they will be output correctly (and not be considered
CDHV..... 'control' characters)
XDHV....& ampersand
XDHV....* times
XDHV....@ splat
XDHV....- minus
XDHV....! exclamation
XDHV....> greater_than
XDHV....< less_than
XDHV....# pound
XDHV....+ plus
XDHV....? question_mark
XEHV....Pound-sign ú
XEHV....euro-sign Ç